With a capital T and that rhymes with E and that stands for Edith!

Also available live.
Ticket prices vary.


Carly-Barly said...

Sweet... I said it already on Ashley's Facebook page, and I'll say it here; Ma literally ran across the hallway when I told her you had this video up. We Loved it! Sooo stinkin' cute!

erin said...

Yay! That's so fun. I love that she clapped for herself. So cute!

Ken Devine said...

OOOhhHH!! By far the cutest thing I've ever seen coming from Mansfield.

Carrie said...


Mandy sue said...

She is SO BIG and ADORABLE!!! I love it!!! :D Way to go Edith!

Carly-Barly said...

I've honestly watched this about six times now... I want more!